WiP Wednesday: Finding Your Why Not

Every year I say I will write a novel and every year I do not write a novel.

I will plan to write it and even create a schedule to add a block of time for writing in my daily or weekly routine. I may even start to write my latest literary genius. However, before long, my life gets overwhelming, my schedule goes out the window, my creative energy is sapped, and I do not make time for writing.

Once again, I made the new year’s resolution to write a novel. It was going well for two months and then a repeat of all the other years happened: my seasonal depression hit, even harder than usual, and everything around me went haywire shortly thereafter… such as finding out my mother’s tumor came back and she required another surgery. This meant my mother would need care and someone to take over her role as caretaker for my grandfather. Not hard to guess who got both jobs.

The story I had been working on up until then that had once filled me with excitement now held no interest for me. I thought if I just got back to it, reread what I’d written so far and sat down to continue writing, I’d get that old feeling of enthusiasm back. But I couldn’t work up the energy to so much as open the document on my computer.  

Continue reading “WiP Wednesday: Finding Your Why Not”

My Bookish Life: Nothin’ But NetGalley

my bookish life

Twelve years ago a website was founded that connected readers and bloggers with publishers of upcoming book releases. The goal was for grassroots promotion in the form of book reviews in exchange for a free ebook. This website is called NetGalley.

Three years later, shortly after I started my blog, I signed up for an account. It meant I could have access to more publishing companies and their products, which was helpful to a college student such as myself. Aside from the possibility of obtaining these Advance Reader Copies, just by seeing what was coming out I could write about upcoming releases in more general terms. However, you need to keep an eighty percent review rate in order to get future ARCs, so bloggers need to be careful not to make more requests than they can keep up with. Continue reading “My Bookish Life: Nothin’ But NetGalley”