Guest Post: Book Review – The Only Woman in the Room by Mary Benedict

Guest Post

Guest Writer: Hill is a coffee aficionado from Canada. She enjoys reading everything from fiction to non-fiction, comic books to Shakespeare, Jane Austen to Lucy Maud Montgomery to Gregory Maguire. She loves attending sporting events, watching Marvel films, and frequenting the theatre. One day she hopes to see every play written by Shakespeare performed live (only a couple more to go!). In her spare time, she reads and spends time with her dogs. 

only woman in room

Synopsis: Hedy Kiesler is the beautiful star of a controversial film and married to a powerful Austrian arms dealer. Her connections and notoriety allow her to escape Nazi persecution despite her Jewish heritage. But Hedy is also intelligent; she overhears the Third Reich’s plans and grows more and more desperate to escape her controlling husband and the Nazi regime.  She disguises herself and flees…

But Hedy Kiesler’s story doesn’t end there. She ends up in Hollywood where she takes the name history would know her by – Hedy Lamarr. She is remembered as a star of Hollywood’s Golden Age, but few know she was a noted scientist whose contributions to science continue to influence our daily lives. Continue reading “Guest Post: Book Review – The Only Woman in the Room by Mary Benedict”

Teaser Tuesday: It’s Getting Hot in Heir by Jenny Gardiner

teaser tuesday

It’s Getting Hot in Heir by Jenny Gardiner

“Like my nonna always said to me, follow your heart and your dreams will come true.”
“Your nonna sounds like she works for Walt Disney.”

“Maybe I nee your nonna as a life coach.”
“Maybe you just need to believe in yourself.”


Book Review: Save The Date by Morgan Matson

save the dateSynopsis: Charlie Grant’s older sister is getting married this weekend, and Charlie can’t wait for all four of her older siblings to be under one roof for the first time in years. Charlie is desperate for one last perfect weekend before the house is sold and everything changes. The only problem? The weekend is shaping up to be an absolute disaster… and the wedding planner’s nephew is unexpectedly, distractedly cute. Over the course of three ridiculously chaotic days, Charlie will learn more than she ever expected about the family she thought she knew by heart. And she’ll realize that sometimes, trying to keep everything like it was in the past means missing out on the future. Continue reading “Book Review: Save The Date by Morgan Matson”

W.W.W. Wednesday


1.  What did you recently finish reading?
2. What are you currently reading?
3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I have finished reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare.

I am currently reading City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.

I will next be reading City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare.


Paranormal YA Novels: Half-Blood, Hush Hush, Personal Demons, The Summoning

Around the Blogosphere: New Look


For any of you OG followers, you may have noticed a rather discernible change from how my blog used to look when I first entered the book-blogging community. And for any newbies who are curious, check out anything in the archive from my first year of posting as I left those old school! (And while you’re there, leave some likes and comments too.)

As you know, one of my resolutions is to get back to blogging more consistently again. I want to make more time for it now that I am not overseas living the life of a backpacker. Something I had been needing to do for years is a complete overhaul to fix all those things that were driving me crazy, but felt too overwhelming and time-consuming to actually do. Because we’re all self-isolating right now it seemed like the perfect time for me to finally get things done. Continue reading “Around the Blogosphere: New Look”

Book Review: The Fabulous Girl’s Guide to Decorum by Kim Izzo and Ceri Marsh

decorumSynopsis: No longer the old-fashioned advice for pearl-clutching ladies, this book takes etiquette into the modern age. With women in the workforce and on the social scene, there is a whole new set of “rules” to be followed… or broken. Not to mention how to behave in your friendships, family, romance, and life in general.

Authors: Kim Izzo is a features editor and Ceri Marsh is a fashion director, and both write a weekly etiquette column called “Urban Decorum”. After years of socially inept encounters and inconsiderate people, they decided to try their hand at a book.

Cover: The artwork is what drew me to this book with its hand-drawn depiction of a city girl who bears a striking resemblance to Holly Golightly, and a whole lot of pinks and purples. Needless to say, it spoke to my girly little heart. Continue reading “Book Review: The Fabulous Girl’s Guide to Decorum by Kim Izzo and Ceri Marsh”

Top 7 Ontario Authors

top titles

I am a proud Canadian. Though I loved living in the UK and Ireland and would happily move back (for a time), I think my country is wonderful. I have now been back living in Ontario for nearly ten months now and thought I might share with you my favourite authors who also live in Ontario! Continue reading “Top 7 Ontario Authors”

Waiting On Wednesday: The Heir Affair by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan



A little while ago, a friend of mine tagged me in a bookstagram giveaway. It was for a paperback version of a novel that came out around five years ago, and I had borrowed from the library to read some years back. I can’t quite recall if it was before moving to overseas or during my time home between England and Ireland, but that is rather irrelevant unless you want to track down my instagram post about it. (If you find it, leave me a comment on the pic!)

While Marie and I were discussing the novel, how she had not yet read it but wanted to, she mentioned there was a sequel coming out this year. Imagine my surprise as I had not heard of it! I was so excited I immediately went looking to find out more about it so I could share it with you now. Continue reading “Waiting On Wednesday: The Heir Affair by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan”

Too Busy To Be Bored

my bookish life

Good Morrow, my lovelies

About a month ago I was told that we may be stuck indoors until at least the end of summer and possibly even up to two years from now! I cannot imagine what additional chaos would occur if the latter actually proves true. But for now, we just do not know what will happen next…

Or at least I don’t yet since I am actually writing this at the beginning of April and adjusted my posting schedule a little so it wouldn’t be too out of date. If things do not change between my time of writing and now, I will have been “under house arrest for fifty-seven days. I have asthma so that means if I catch coronavirus it could prove fatal, particularly since I have also had pneumonia before and never quite returned to my previous health.

My friends keep asking how I haven’t gone insane by now, and truth be told I have more than enough things to do! And even if I got a little bit bored at times, my imagination then comes up with something crazy to do. Because of all the inquiries of how I spend my time, I have decided to share with you a list of a few things that might keep you occupied during these trying times too. Continue reading “Too Busy To Be Bored”