Book Review: Demon Rumm by Sandra Brown

Synopsis: Demon Rumm was everybody’s hero, and the role of the lifetime for Rylan North. Wanting to understand the man’s personal persona as well as the professional, Rylan decided he needed to temporarily move in with the man’s widow in order to fully encapsulate the stunt pilot on film. Upon meeting, Rylan is immediately fascinated by the woman, the only female who wants nothing from him… even as he discovers that he wants forever.

Product: This book is incredibly well made. While a trade paperback in size, it was not as cumbersome as most by being too heavy or too flimsy. Also, after closing the book, I realized the spine didn’t crack like most pocket paperbacks are wont to do; the layout was shifted so the text a little more right than usual thus eliminating the need to open the book wider.

Cover: The artwork is pretty but doesn’t quite seem to reflect the aesthetic of the story even if it does closely match a couple scenes in the novel. Once I discovered that the title was the name of the heroine’s late husband, I felt that it didn’t fit the book either.

Writing Style: While the story flowed rather nicely for the most part, the occasional use of unusual words throws the reader off. In order to understand exactly what was happening a dictionary is needed (though not strictly required to get the gist).

Plot: While the story line isn’t entirely original, it has a unique quality that makes it an interesting read. An actor falling in love with the wife of the man he is portraying in a movie undoubtedly is a large obstacle to overcome, and thus intriguing. Yet at the same time, Kirsten’s reaction to Rylan’s advances throughout the book leaves the reader expecting something different than what actually occurs, upon discovering the cause of her fear makes Kirsten’s actions seem unrealistic and leaves an undesired overall effect on the plot.

Romance: It wasn’t surprising that two people who are in close confines for a length of time would fall in love.  The one thing that I questioned is also something that was questioned in the book: Rylan is playing the character of Kirsten’s late husband, is it Rylan she cares for or the man he is portraying in the movie?

Quote: I don’t know if I’m falling in love with him all over again or if it’s you I’m attracted to.

The Verdict: Faults notwithstanding, I actually had a hard time putting the book down.  Rylan’s depth of character made up for Kirsten’s slight incongruencey and makes the book one I would recommend if only just to read about a truly fabulous male character.

Author: JaimeKristal

JaimeKristal is a freelance editor and writer. She started her book review blog "Tales of a Booklover" for the enjoyment of sharing her love of reading, writing, and editing.

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